Online Personality Assessment Center
Our Assessment Center electronically scores the INSIGHT Inventory and generates our eINSIGHT Inventory personality profile reports online. It provides a feature-rich admin platform for trainers and facilitators to manage their accounts and profile results.
- Manage participants and groups easily with customized group setup.
- Organize groups by division, department, session title, training date or any other criteria you find useful by using the folders and sub-folders feature.
- Assign the INSIGHT Inventory personality profile report(s) and create an access code for the group’s participants to register and complete the INSIGHT Inventory online.
- Allow access to results immediately or control the release to participants
- View and print reports on demand
Request a demo or account setup
No setup fees or contracts
Complete form or call (800) 861-4769
Purchase eINSIGHT Inventory reports for your account.
INSIGHT Inventory
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