INSIGHT Inventory®
Personality and Behavioral Style Assessment
People who have good “insight” have knowledge of who they are and how others see them. When individuals develop an accurate perception of themselves and self-awareness of how they come across to others, they can communicate more effectively, reduce conflict, and strengthen their relationships. This increases individual productivity, improves team engagement, and creates a high-functioning organizational culture.The INSIGHT Inventory, a strengths-based personality assessment, provides a positive foundation for coaching and talent development.
The personality profiles it generates focus on strengths and gives users a common, positive language to discuss differences, improve communication, maximize their individual performance, and increase team engagement.
Early in his leadership training career, Dr. Handley was conducting a training session using another popular personality test. One of his participants looked at her personality type results and remarked that “this isn’t how I behave all of the time, and certainly not on this team” and she didn't want to share her results during the team-building session. This comment and reluctance to participate fully, led Dr. Handley to question the usefulness of tests that put people in a box. Consequently he began research into an assessment that identified trait tendencies in different settings and emphasized how environmental pressures impact behavior.
He turned to Kurt Lewin’s field theory, Cattell's factor analysis, and Allport's trait identification as the foundation of a new assessment, the INSIGHT Inventory.
The INSIGHT Inventory is NOT based on Jung’s writings such as the MBTI and Keirsey Temperament assessment. It is also NOT a circumplex model like DiSC or Insights Discovery, or a quadrant structure.
The INSIGHT Inventory IS unique and based on Kurt Lewin’s field theory and factor analytically derived traits. The language for the discussion of the results uses positive psychology and strengths terminology. Research data is available for review in theINSIGHT Technical Manual.
The application of Field Theory is the key difference between the INSIGHT Inventory and other personality assessments. Field theory holds that behavior is a function of the interaction between personality within an environment. B=f(PxE) Therefore, people can’t be fully understood until their behavior is assessed in different settings such as work and home. This reveals more about the unique person rather than restraining them to a box, quadrant, color or box.
![Four Personality Traits](
![Four Personality Traits](
![Four Personality Traits](
![Four Personality Traits](
The INSIGHT Inventory provides two personality profiles; one for work behavior and one for personal style. This helps individuals explore what influences behavior in different settings.
![Personality Profile Chart](
The INSIGHT Inventory is positive and strengths-based. It makes it easier for people to share and talk about their profiles. This promotes positive dialogue and interaction between team members.
Conversational LanguageThe INSIGHT Inventory was designed to avoid labels, codes, colors, quadrants, or EQ ratings that had to be memorized or interpreted. Instead it uses every day terminology. This gives people positive, user-friendly terms to use when discussing their strengths with others. This is called “conversational language” because the results can be used immediately when discussing what was learned with others without the need for explanation.
Considers EnvironmentInstead of labeling people and trying to predict behavior, the INSIGHT Inventory emphasizes that behavior may change from one situation to another. Participants describe their behavior in two different environments, work and personal, and receive two profiles. This helps uncover the whole person by looking at peoples’ behavior in different settings and their range of flexibility. This serves as a spring board to discuss more specific environments such as team membership, dynamics with their leaders or subordinates, family patterns, etc.
Acknowledges StressStress and triggers can cause people to move out of their strengths, overuse their styles, and often leads to conflict. Learning to recognize when they are getting pulled away from their strengths and creating an action plan to alleviate the reaction, keeps them on the path to success.
Answers the “So What” Question“So what do I do with this information about my personality traits?” The INSIGHT Inventory answers the “so what” question; it focuses users on the tasks of learning how to understand and use their personality traits to work better with others and create more effective relationships. It moves users from self-discovery to skill practice.
<!-- Goes Beyond SelfUsing the Observer Feedback people learn the importance of how their behavioral style comes across to others. They discover that even in good relationships misconceptions about their styles occur. When they recognize and understand people’s perceptions, and learn to adapt their style to others, they will communicate better and strengthen relationships.
-->Dr. Handley’s goal is to help you conduct training sessions that impact your participants and develop their skills.
He has launched the INSIGHT Facilitator Center that gives you access to all the training guides, tools, and videos that you need to succeed without kit fees, subscriptions, or license fees.
The INSIGHT Inventory is one of the best personality and behavioral style assessments for coaching and talent development.
Check out the INSIGHT Inventory® Assessments